Life Care Newsletter July-September

Advancing Together

   Can you imagine the power of God, faithful christians, ultrasound technology and professionals all working together to make a great thing happen? That’s exactly what happened when our heroes of PCC provided a beautiful new exam table for use in our medical clinic. 
  We made an appeal and some dedicated friends of PCC stepped up and purchased an exam table that, as soon as it arrived, we prayed over and dedicated it for our ultrasound exam room. 
   Our very first mom who used the exam table was abortion minded, scared and quite reserved. She shared with us that the father was not in favor of keeping the baby and the odds were stacking up against the choice for life. 
  After the ultrasound her countenance changed and she began sharing her plans and even appeared relieved that she was seeing her baby. I was happy that we were able to pray with her as well. At a later appointment she told us that the father was coming around to the idea of keeping their child. I know that it is hard to understand sometimes how people process these seemingly cut and dried issues regarding the life of their own unborn children. I can only say that I thank God every day that I am on the team with all of you by showing men and women the reality of their unborn children and offering them hope. It is an honor working with God to bring alternatives and truth to our most vulnerable expecting mothers and fathers.