We bought the building!

For almost 21 years, we have been in this building. Many feet have walked through its doors, many prayers have been said in each room and many have found peace in it’s sanctuary.

It may only be a building to some but to our patients, staff, supporters and volunteers this building means so much more.

Purchasing the building is something we’ve dreamed about. We knew this decision would be best for our patient’s safety and stability. We knew we needed to be in control of our building. But we didn’t know for sure how this would happen.

And God said ‘YES’! It’s amazing how He orchestrated the purchase of the building and we’ve been just dying to tell you!!

Through your prayers and donations the funds were raised for the down payment. We could not purchase the building without YOU, our amazing supporters!

Then, God dropped the best gift in our laps. Through a network of supporters, we learned about the Church Extension Fund, a part of the Missouri Synod Lutheran Church in Michigan. They caught the vision of what you have been supporting for years.

The Church Extension Fund is providing the loan for our building! They’ve been great to work with and its incredible how easy they made the process. They have been such a blessing in making our once dream a reality.

It’s a miracle and only by the grace of God that we own the building today. We could not do this without you - this is a big deal and we cannot say ‘thank you’ enough!


Jenna's Story


Re-Supply thrive Essentials