Year End Letter, 2021

Dear friend of TMC,

At Thrive Medical Clinic (TMC), we are motivated by what we love, unborn babies and their moms and dads. Each year we serve hundreds of abortion-vulnerable women and men by offering grace; not by applying guilt.

Thrive Medical Clinic exists to provide women and men facing an unplanned pregnancy with the solutions, practical resources, and caring support that they need to thrive, not just survive.

I recently read a very encouraging article by a man who shared his observations while working in a pregnancy center. He said, “Those women who keep their babies describe their experience at the pregnancy centers in surprising ways. They usually don’t say, “I realized I should keep the baby.” They’ll say, “I realized I could keep the baby.” They aren’t argued out of a decision; they’re shown a path that makes keeping the baby plausible.” Our purpose is not to talk women out of abortion or to trick or pressure them, but to offer the truth in love so that they begin to believe that they can carry their baby to term, that they can choose life instead of abortion.

We want these women and men to choose abundant life with a Divine Yes. (John 10:10) This Divine Yes reminds us that God’s promises are always yes. (2 Corinthians 1:20) He will give us all that we need to honor the sanctity of human life. After all, He created humans in His image and breathed his very life into us.

As Executive Director, I believe condemnation of individuals is unnecessary in this fight to end abortion. In fact, I believe that is not God’s way. At Thrive Medical Clinic we present the truth in love and then stand back and allow the Holy Spirit to do His work in the hearts and minds of those we serve. Conviction of sin is the Holy Spirit’s job. I am simply a conduit for this work.

I can’t tell you how many miracles my eyes have witnessed as the Holy Spirit transforms women and men from the inside out - bringing them from hopeless to hopeful, fearful to courageous, and confusion to confidence. The power of God’s truth and love is what opens eyes to recognize the incomparable value that God has placed on their life and the life of their unborn child. Through God’s love and strength, they choose the Divine Yes.

As we bring 2021 to a close, I am full of gratitude to all those who’ve said yes to supporting unborn babies and their moms and dads. But His work is not done yet. Lives are on the line, and with your donation, babies will have a chance at life.

Please consider the Divine Yes by making your most generous, tax-deductible financial gift that will make a BIG difference. Precious mothers, fathers, and babies need you now more than ever. Lives will be saved for eternity by your generosity.

Yours in service for the sanctity of all human life,

Rhonda K. Wrede
Executive Director | Thrive Medical Clinic


Maya's Story


Kaylee’s Story