We bought the building!

For almost 21 years, we have been in this building. Many feet have walked through its doors, many prayers have been said in each room and many have found peace in it’s sanctuary.

It may only be a building to some but to our patients, staff, supporters and volunteers this building means so much more.

Purchasing the building is something we’ve dreamed about. We knew this decision would be best for our patient’s safety and stability. We knew we needed to be in control of our building. But we didn’t know for sure how this would happen.

And God said ‘YES’! It’s amazing how He orchestrated the purchase of the building and we’ve been just dying to tell you!!

Through your prayers and donations the funds were raised for the down payment. We could not purchase the building without YOU, our amazing supporters!

Then, God dropped the best gift in our laps. Through a network of supporters, we learned about the Church Extension Fund, a part of the Missouri Synod Lutheran Church in Michigan. They caught the vision of what you have been supporting for years.

The Church Extension Fund is providing the loan for our building! They’ve been great to work with and its incredible how easy they made the process. They have been such a blessing in making our once dream a reality.

It’s a miracle and only by the grace of God that we own the building today. We could not do this without you - this is a big deal and we cannot say ‘thank you’ enough!

Re-Supply thrive Essentials

Re-Supply thrive Essentials

I have exciting news…. the Thrive Medical Clinic remodel continues! Since acquiring our new space in the Spring of 2021, change has occurred at a slow but steady rate. One thing that has thankfully been finished for a while is Thrive Essentials, our material services room.

However, I have even more news, this area of the ministry is completely drowning……… in blessings! We have such amazing supporters in you who care so much about families having access to free and brand new baby and maternity items; and we completely understand why! Going out and buying or making something beautiful for a mother or her baby is such a fun and fulfilling thing to do and such a practical way to live out your passion for this ministry.

Winter-Spring Newsletter

Winter-Spring Newsletter

Thrive Medical Clinic (TMC) is a reality, not only to our staff and supporters but to our patients, those who need us the most.

As I have watched the transformation of our name, logo, and building into Thrive Medical Clinic, I am overwhelmed when I look at all you have accomplished.

Yes, I am genuinely blown away because I know that there is no way any of this could have happened without your generous support! In fact, you gave in record ways in 2021 because you believe in the vision that God has called TMC to fulfill. And we have only just begun!

Twenty twenty-two is sure to hold even more challenges for our patients. But with your help, TMC will be there to help these women and men to Thrive, not just survive.

Maya's Story

Maya's Story

So many times, we don’t get to hear what happens to our patients or the little one inside of them after they leave our clinic. Well, in 2021 I met with a girl who has been on my heart for months.

*Maya came to us emotionally overwhelmed. She was experiencing common pregnancy symptoms and wanted help to know what to do. We did a pregnancy test for her, which came back positive, and I was able to sit down with her and hear her heart. Maya cried as she shared honestly about how she felt: relationships in her life, her age, her health, and being afraid of being viewed as a “failure” by others all made an abortion seem like the best option to her. Maya shared that in her past relationships with guys, she just felt used for her body and didn’t feel that she was valued. She began to panic that her current boyfriend wouldn’t love her enough to stay with her, and she was terrified of parenting alone.

Year End Letter, 2021

Year End Letter, 2021

Dear friend of TMC,

At Thrive Medical Clinic (TMC), we are motivated by what we love, unborn babies and their moms and dads. Each year we serve hundreds of abortion-vulnerable women and men by offering grace; not by applying guilt.

Thrive Medical Clinic exists to provide women and men facing an unplanned pregnancy with the solutions, practical resources, and caring support that they need to thrive, not just survive.

Kaylee’s Story

Kaylee’s Story

God recently brought us a young woman who came in already decided that an abortion was what she needed.

When *Kaylee arrived, she shared that, although she had hoped to be a mom someday, this seemed like a terrible time to bring a new life into the world. Kaylee was very open and shared with me about how she came to her decision and how torn and alone she had felt while making it. She said she felt bad about choosing abortion but thought that this would be the most responsible choice for this time in her life. She told me about some people in her life who were trying not to sway her decision, but she assumed they hoped that she would choose abortion, and she wanted to please them.

Victory - Pro-Life Pregnancy Center Won't Be Forced To Speak Against Its Mission

Victory - Pro-Life Pregnancy Center Won't Be Forced To Speak Against Its Mission

“We know how important it is for our clients to write their own stories,” says the pregnancy center’s website. But while Caring Families works to give its clients a voice, the city of Hartford tried to silence the pregnancy center—or at least drown out its voice—by passing a city law that required pregnancy centers to speak misleading messages that undermine its mission.

Insert Your Greatest Fear

Insert Your Greatest Fear

“As I read about these ancient practices, I felt such shock that people would allow the death of their children to this false god. My thoughts bounced from "How ridiculous and stupid must they be?" to "There is nothing I could imagine that would lead me to kill my precious two children." And yet, this was occurring with people far more like me than I was willing to admit.”

Life Care Newsletter, Fall 2019

Life Care Newsletter, Fall 2019

It is humbling and eye-opening to look back and recognize how God has been preparing Pregnancy Care Center to be led forward in new and exciting ways. Sometimes, as a staff, we laugh about how God has been keeping us on our toes, never letting us get too settled or comfortable! Some days can be a complete whirlwind of surprises: blessings, challenges and unknowns. And, while it’s easy to rejoice when we see how the Lord is blessing us, not every surprise is exciting at first glance. But it is so comforting to know that all things are in His control – this is His ministry, after-all!

Facts on Abortion, 2019


This report includes the most recent trends concerning abortion in the United States. From 1973 to 2017, more than

160 million lives have been lost to abortion. While the cumulative abortion numbers will continue to increase, the

data reveals that the abortion rate has continued to decline while the percentage of women obtaining medicinally- induced abortions has increased. Almost all abortions occur during the first trimester -- 91 percent at or before 13 weeks; however, abortions happening during the first six weeks of pregnancy increased 16 percent from 2004 to 2013.



Life Care Newsletter Jan-Mar

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WHY: First, to celebrate the value of every human life in each of its stages and the beautiful work which God is doing through His mighty power! Also, we desire to raise the financial support needed to assist Pregnancy Care Center in radiating the light of Christ into the lives of women and men who are considering abortion in the five county Grand Traverse region.

WHERE: Hagerty Center, 715 E. Front St. Traverse City, MI 49686 WHEN: Monday, May 7th, 2018 @ 6pm

FEATURED SPEAKER: Jim Sprague, Chief Executive Officer of Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC) of Grand Rapids, MI. This PRC is a Christ-centered, life-affirming pregnancy care ministry whose mission is to live the truth that people matter to God. Jim and his wife, Jody, have both served the PRC ministry since its inception. They have three children, each of whom were adopted from a crisis pregnancy situation, making Jim's heart and passion for the ministry of the PRC personal and sincere.

ATTENDANCE GOAL: Our desire is that life-passionate individuals will fill 33 tables of 10 people per table.
                                     “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness,                                                    but will have the light of life.” - John 8:12


Could you be profiting from abortion? An introduction to biblically responsible investing

The big question we don’t think to ask when choosing our investments:

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As a follower of Christ you probably have an understanding that God is the owner of everything (Psalms 24:1) and we are the stewards, or managers, of the money and possessions He has entrusted us with (Psalms 8:6).  But when it comes to choosing investments for your retirement accounts, college savings accounts, variable annuities, and other investment accounts, have you ever considered what you are profiting from or promoting with the investment dollars God has given you to manage?  

How would you feel if you discovered that you were unknowingly participating in activities that contradict your faith convictions because of the investments that you own?

Many companies profit from or financially support activities that are in direct opposition to the values and convictions of Christian investors. Many Christian investors are unknowingly invested in these companies. I help people make investment choices to meet their long term financial objectives while aligning their investments with their faith convictions.  This is called Biblically Responsible Investing, sometimes referred to as Faith Based Investing.

What is Biblically Responsible Investing, and how does it work?

Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI) is first and foremost about stewardship.  In my opinion, one of the best definitions of stewardship is, “the use of God-given resources for the accomplishment of God-given desires, goals, and objectives”.  I believe that one of the foundational scriptures on stewardship is Matthew 22:36-40 (the Greatest Commandment) where Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind…”, and, “… Love your neighbor as yourself”.  That’s the purpose and objective of BRI, to love God and to love others through the investment choices we make.  

The Nuts and Bolts

While striving for the best returns based on your individual risk tolerance, BRI is an approach to investing that seeks to eliminate investing in companies that participate in activities that followers of Jesus Christ would conscientiously object to as being in opposition to God’s will.  This is done by screening out companies that profit from or promote activities that violate the values and convictions of Christian investors, such as abortion.

Will BRI affect my returns?

This is a common question asked when people first learn about BRI.  When comparing any investments against each other, one investment may do better than the other from one year to the next, and vice versa.  You’ll also find that many ‘household name’ companies satisfy Biblical screening criteria.  They may not necessarily be companies that promote Christian values, but are companies that choose to remain neutral on these issues.  While past performance is no guarantee of future results, the bottom line is that over the long term, Biblically Responsible investments can offer competitive returns when compared with unscreened investments.  

For more information about Biblically Responsible Investing, please visit our website at www.ChristianFamilyFinancial.com, or ‘Like’ us on Facebook at  www.facebook.com/ChristianFamilyFinancial.  You can also call (231) 642-8001, or email me at  Jeff@ChristianFamilyFinancial.com  

Jeff Beebe is a Certified Financial Planner™ and a Certified Kingdom Advisor® who has worked in the financial planning industry since 2003.  He founded Christian Family Financial in 2014 with a mission of helping Christians ‘Make Money Meaningful’.  He has been married to his wife Nicole for 14 years.  They have two daughters and three sons and live just outside of Traverse City.

Securities & investment advice through G.A. Repple & Co. a registered Broker/Dealer & Investment Advisor; member FINRA & SIPC Supervisory Office: 97 Chase Dr. Hurricane, West Virginia 25526 Phone: 304-760-8715