Our Beliefs on Unplanned Pregnancies & Abortion
The way we talk (or don’t talk) about unplanned pregnancies and abortion can influence whether or not the people we love keep quiet and get an abortion, or speak up and choose life. A choice for abortion is often driven by fear, shame and perceived lack of support. In order to have biblical life-affirming influence, we must speak with both truth and love. Below is a summary of what Thrive Medical Clinic (TMC) believes about these topics. We hope this brings clarity, and equips you to speak in truth and love.
Thrive Medical Clinic’s Beliefs About Unplanned Pregnancies & Abortion:
Being pregnant is never a sin or a punishment for sin. God’s Word is clear that sex outside of marriage is a sin, but pregnancy is not. Throughout scripture, God takes our sin and mistakes, and in his grace, he turns them into blessings. Even in challenging circumstances, and even if the child is conceived in sin, new life formed in the image of God is always a blessing of God’s grace, and should thus be valued, protected and sacrificially loved.
A baby is always a blessing. Throughout scripture, children are always described as a blessing from the Lord (Psalm 127:3). Unborn babies may be unplanned or unwanted by their parents, but they are always planned and wanted by God (see Psalm 139:16). There are many challenges that result from unplanned pregnancies (being a single parent, or the difficulties of co-parenting, financial hardships, etc.), but the baby himself/herself is not a consequence, but a blessing that is worth sacrificing for.
Human life begins at conception. We firmly believe abortion - at any stage of the pregnancy - ends the life of a precious child made in the image of God (Psalm 139:13-16). We believe abortion deeply grieves the Lord and goes against God’s Word in the scriptures. Many people in unplanned pregnancies also think abortion is wrong, but they truly believe it’s their only choice. They feel trapped, so they close their mind and heart to the reality of the human life they are carrying. That’s why we share the truth in loving and effective ways - showing them their baby on the ultrasound, sharing fetal development facts, including that scientists confirm unique DNA (new human life) is formed at conception, etc. With the help of the Holy Spirit, this opens so many of our patients’ eyes to believe that to choose abortion is to take their baby’s life (not just a lump of cells).
The best way to love the baby is to love the mother and father. We can’t support the pro-life belief without supporting the women and men who choose life. We are pro-abundant life for the whole family, not just pro-birth. So many people get abortions because they don’t believe they actually have a choice, due to complex obstacles in their lives. As the hands and feet of Jesus, we believe it’s our responsibility to step into this gap and empower people with the solutions, resources and support they need to feel like they can in fact choose life, and thrive.
Unconditional love, without pressure or judgment, changes lives. Life-affirming influence begins with unconditional and sacrificial love toward the mother (and father). We desperately want to see our patients choose life, but we know it is not our place to pressure or coerce. God loves us by allowing us to have free-will, so we love our patients in the same way. It’s not our place to control the outcome. Instead, we listen (this is so important!), speak truth in love, offer tangible support, pray, and then trust the Holy Spirit to change hearts and save lives. This is how TMC supports people in unplanned pregnancies, and we have seen countless lives changed and babies saved.
Abortion is forgivable. Although abortion breaks our hearts, we will never condemn people who have chosen an abortion. Roughly half of Christian church-goers who have chosen abortion don’t believe they can be forgiven for this particular sin (LifeWay research). God extends forgiveness by the blood of Jesus to cover all of our sins, including abortion, to anyone who would repent and receive his healing grace (1 John 1:9, Romans 8:1). We treat Christians who have had an abortion as new creations in Christ, and view them as God does, washed clean and righteous in His sight (2 Corinthians 5:17-21). And we treat non-Christians who have had an abortion with unconditional love and respect as fellow image-bearers of God, and share the Gospel whenever we can. We deeply love women and men who have chosen abortion, and we want to walk alongside them toward the healing and wholeness that Christ offers.
God forgave Paul and King David in the Bible, and called them to do great work for the kingdom. He can forgive and use you too!
The church is the primary vessel God uses to help people in unplanned pregnancies thrive. TMC is a critical part of their journey; we are their compassionate first responders in their time of need, but the Church is the hospital. Our heart is to work collaboratively with local churches to equip them to better see, speak to and support people in unplanned pregnancies within their own congregations. We also pray that our own patients will get connected to a local church, and be transformed by the love of Jesus and the ongoing discipleship of her new church community!
If you share these beliefs, talk about them! Silence and isolation can be crippling for people in unplanned pregnancies and for those who have an abortion in their past. Speaking with truth and love about these topics helps people know they are not alone, and are safe to confide in you.
If this raises questions for you, please reach out to us at connect@thrivemedicalclinic.org . We’d love to talk with you!